a) |
See finished Vuvuzela examples. Learn about the KELP project. |
b) |
Brief history of kelp horns and vuvuzelas. |
c) |
Movie about life in the Kelp forests - 10 mins. |
2 Beach outing - About 45 mins |
a) |
Rock pool lesson about basic creatures and their links to kelp and sharks. |
Learn about kelp, the creatures living in the kelp forests, their various life cycles and their importance in the interconnectedness of all things. |
c) |
Check life in the holdfasts of freshly washed up kelp. |
Learn about the creatures and birds on the high shore and the life cycles involving washed up kelp. |
e) |
Collect suitable kelp pieces from which to make vuvuzelas. |
3 Painting exercise - About 45 mins |
a) |
Cut kelp pieces to suitable shape. |
b) |
Paint vuvuzela. |
4 Conclusion - About 15 mins |
Briefly go over what has been learned about Kelp and what we can do to help marine wildlife. |
b) |
Vuvu blowing contest. |
More info about the KELP project can be seen on the KELP page
Marine Wilderness Outing
Developed with encouragement from Dr Player and the Wilderness leadership School.
Examples of marine wilderness outings can be seen below.
Cape Point Marine Wilderness Outing
1 Wilderness Hike - About 2.5 Hours |
A 4 km walk from Gifkommetjie to Platboom along the Atlantic where the rock pool life, kelp forests, windfall kelp, birds and wildlife can be explored in a remote beautiful setting.
The trail can be done in other sections of the reserve as requested eg Shipwreck Trail.
2 KELP Lesson
The group travels to Bordjiesrif on the False Bay side. Here the KELP lesson (as explained above) is done in the Education Centre.
A rock pool lesson can also be done at the education centre if required.
3 Enjoy the surroundings
Once the lesson is completed the group can enjoy the tidal pool, rock pools, beach, braai facilities etc
Cape Point is not far off for those wishing to visit the point itself. |
Shark lesson
Developed at the Save Our Seas Shark Centre
The shark lesson programme is about three hours and is suitable for school groups of different ages. I can adapt the basic programme and have catered for a variety of groups including student teachers over the past three years.
Lessons can be done in the Cape point Reserve or at suitable venues
Homeschool Shark Centre outing |
1 Shark lesson in classroom- About 30 mins.
This is a basic lesson which is adapted to suit different ages and backgrounds.
a) |
What is a shark - Difference between sharks and bony fishes. |
b) |
Importance of sharks - Importance in the food chain as apex predators. |
c) |
History of sharks. |
d) |
Threats to sharks - Overfishing and environmental degradation. |
e) |
Truth about sharks - Shark diversity. Large percentage of harmless species. |
f) |
Safety and sharks. |
g) |
What can we do to help shark conservation? |
2 Rock Pool lesson - About 45 mins (Touch pools when conditions are unsuitable)
a) |
Kids learn about basic rock pool life - Care of creatures is emphasized. |
The food web, interconnectedness in nature, the Importance of the small creatures in the food chain and their links to sharks and the bigger picture. |
c) |
Safety on the rocks and shore. |
d) |
Tides and Rocky shore Zones. |
e) |
Learners explore on their own. |
f) |
What can we do to help marine life? |
3 Movie about Sharks - 20 mins +
Maxines Journey - Movie about Ragged tooth shark Maxine's release from Two Oceans Aquarium.
Surfing Wildlife Education
I have done rock pool, marine wilderness and KELP lessons combined with surf lessons.
I have done the above lessons as well as the shark lesson with groups of surfers and juniour lifeguards.
Lessons can also take place together with clean-ups and are based around the idea of encouraging a respect for nature as part of the surfing lifestyle.
In June 2010 I assisted Glenn Bee who arranged a surf school in memory of Pierre Du Plessis.
I have also worked with Tim Conibear (Waves for Change) and the 9Miles Project to develop environmental lessons linked to surfing lessons for kids from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Photos: Ken Eaton, Jenni Courtney & Terry Corr.